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Freeman's Endowed C.E Junior Academy

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Headteacher's Welcome

Freeman’s Endowed Church of England Junior Academy is a two form entry school of some 240 pupils. The school has a strong Christian ethos and links with the parish church of St Barnabas. Freeman's is part of the Peterborough Diocese Education Trust (PDET) and we have a strong working relationship with the Trust and the schools within it.  Our Christian values are our guide to working and living together in our learning community. They are: Forgiveness, Truthfulness, Love, Kindness, Perseverance and Acceptance. All pupils and adults associated with the academy are encouraged to live by these values every day.

Pleasantly situated opposite Bassett’s Park in Wellingborough, the academy is housed in an attractive Victorian building with a sympathetically designed extension which dates from 1996. The school was originally in a building in Oxford Street, long since demolished. A picture of the original building can be seen in the Morrisons Supermarket that stands on the original site.

Most of our children come from our nearby feeder school, St Barnabas, from many and varied backgrounds and some children are drawn from elsewhere in the town. Pupils enjoy a wide and challenging curriculum with many enrichment opportunities including residential experiences, visits from drama and re-enactment groups, peripatetic music teachers and experts drawn from the wider community. The school runs a popular breakfast club and there are many other extra–curricular activities including many sports clubs, creative activities such as drama and street dance and art.

The school gates open at 8:40am and close at 8:50am. Children are expected to be in school at 8:50am; this is when the teachers take the morning register. Children have an hour lunch starting at 12:00pm. School finishes at 3:20pm. Children are in school for 6hrs 30 minutes a day or 32hours and 30 minutes a week.

If you wish to visit the academy please follow the link to the contact page and contact the academy administrator to make an appointment. You will be very welcome!

Mrs Fiona Hull

Executive Headteacher

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Peterborough Diocese Education Trust

PDET is a family of Church of England Schools across Northamptonshire, Peterborough and Rutland.

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