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Freeman's Endowed C.E Junior Academy

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The ability to read is an essential need of every child and is highly valued at Freeman's Endowed CE Junior Academy. Reading skills are taught through literacy sessions and are reinforced throughout the whole curriculum. Teachers deliver whole-class reading sessions where various text types are explored and children are taught a range of reading skills such as retrieval, vocabulary and inference. 

Throughout the Academy, we value Reading for Pleasure and children have opportunities to enjoy reading and listening to books every day. All children have the opportunity to borrow level-specific reading books and visit the school library once a week where there are a range of fiction and non-fiction books as well as newspapers and comics.

All children are encouraged to share books at home as this is a crucial part of their child’s reading journey. Children are expected to read at home at least three times a week and recorded in the child’s ‘Reading Record’ log book. 

Accelerated Reader - A Guide for Parents

Whole School Quality Text Map 



The National Curriculum programme of study for writing at Key Stage 2 has 2 main dimensions:

  • Transcription (spelling and handwriting);
  • Composition (articulating ideas and structuring them in speech and writing).

It is vital that pupils are competent in both of these areas, along with possessing the ability to plan, revise and evaluate their own work.

Leaders in our Academy have prioritised the teaching of writing and it is identified as a key priority on our Academy Improvement Plan. We also make sure that writing is a creative and engaging learning experience.

Leaders monitor the provision of writing through learning walks in literacy sessions; the monitoring of planning and pupil books and the impact of this provision through the analysis of:

 (i) end of year cohort data and 

(ii) individual pupil progress throughout the year informed by ongoing assessments (including ‘GAPS’ standardised testing).

We provide a literacy-rich environment for our children and opportunities are provided for children to take part in shared and independent writing.

At Freeman’s Endowed C.E Junior Academy, we use the National Curriculum in England 2014 Framework for English as the basis for our curriculum planning.

Writing Long Term Plan

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