Art & Design
Our aim at Freeman’s is to enable pupils to become creative and reflective learners who are able to express themselves fluently and confidently in a variety of different ways. Within the curriculum, Art will clearly contribute towards this, enabling pupils to respond thoughtfully to different learning and stimuli. Our artists should be able to develop their cultural understanding in a range of contexts, Art being one of them. We also want our pupils to understand that the perseverance and attentiveness needed to complete an Art and Design project leads to personal pride and gratification. We aim to facilitate opportunities for our pupils to produce high quality outcomes by dedicating time, providing quality resources and facilitating learning opportunities which lead to a final piece of week of a high standard. Artwork is displayed across the school to celebrate and inspire others.
Art Documents
Art Long Term Oveview
download_for_offlineArt Long Term Oveview
- DT Long Term Plan Overview download_for_offline
download_for_offlineDT Long Term Plan Overview
- DT Long Term Plan Overview download_for_offline

Peterborough Diocese Education Trust
PDET is a family of Church of England Schools across Northamptonshire, Peterborough and Rutland.
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